My morning ritual involves taking care of the livestock, then going to my office cabin where I light a stick of incense on my altar and brew the first cup of coffee. While the coffee is brewing, I turn on the computers, check on Skittles (and now Strudel) the office cats. This is my ritual; it’s my time to calm and center myself before the rush of the day begins when I start to tackle the to do list.

My yoga practice functions much the same way. Whether it’s the community classes I offer to you online or my own personal practice, it’s my time to focus on myself, to breathe in my surroundings (It’s a good reason why I like to do yoga outdoors.), and to take that centering moment before reemerging into the day and the to do list.

When I do yoga, it’s time for me. I feel like that’s so important, because not only is it time for me, but it’s also time when I can unmask. I don’t have to worry about pleasing anyone else. When it’s just my personal yoga class, and not a community class, I can move through the asanas as I feel a need to. For community classes I try to form a class around a central area of concern, but this allows me to structure the class as what works at the time, rather than try to meet some preconceived goal.

A cup of tea, a few moments to breathe, a walk in the park or even in the yard, people find a lot of different ways to get that moment to decompress, to settle their nervous system. Yoga and coffee work for me. I’d love to help you see if yoga can create some mindful moments in your life too.

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